Have you ever laughed so hard that you peed your pants? Well, i've only done that once in my life. I won't horrify you with the details. Anyway, I ALMOST laughed so hard I peed my pants while reading:
I was repeatedly laughing out loud while reading this book. I just want to note how embarrasing it is to laugh out loud while reading. People think you are totally nuts or are some type of serial killer. It was too funny though, and defintely worth a read.
In other news, I tried the Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappucino from Starbucks, it was pretty good. I didn't get my customary cup of water with it though. Bad me! *smacks hand with other hand*
I'm scrapping a picture of an artichoke that flowered in my backyard. Ralph thinks it's a weird picture to scrap, but it's really pretty. I'll share on here and see what you think...soonish.