April 12, 2011

Not an art project, but a project

Today was a little exhausting. I took a french test, worked with my french group, came home and cooked, then bathed and groomed Sparky. Whew! Very exhausting. Grooming Sparky was a total mess. Can you believe I showered BEFORE this task?!
This is what my bathroom ended up looking like! How could there be any of Sparky left with all that on the floor? hehe I was in the bathroom with him for at least an hour and a half. He groaned threw out the whole ordeal, but he started to get real annoyed towards the end...and I didn't get to finish. So here is what he looks like:
So, yeah. Here he is in all his glory. He kinda ended up with the "lion" cut because he wouldn't sit still. Oh well, at least he smells better.