March 25, 2011


Soooo, I made a card for a friend that I am pretty stoked on. I took a great picture of it and was all excited to post it when BAM! A thought comes into my head...If I post the picture on my blog then my friend will see the card BEFORE I actually give it to her. haha Not good. So, no picture of that card today. But, I have other pics to post:
This is the first artichoke off our plants! I was waiting for those puppy's to grow like a kid waiting for Santa on Christmas! I love love love artichokes and am very pleased that we have some growing now.
The start of our new picnic bench! Isn't it cool? Ralph has been working hard on this project in the cold and rainy weather. He is so darn handy. In conclusion, I cannot take any credit for the artichokes or picnic table. Those were all Ralph. Thought i'd share anyway!


  1. you're so homey! I love it! awesome picnic bench!

  2. I love the picture of the artichoke, its so perty!! I can't wait to eat some artichokes at the Grizz's new table :)
